English for Academic Purposes ΙΙ

Course Code
ECTS Credits
Semester 5th / 7th
Course Category

Rontou Maria

Course Description

Through the course students further develop their ability to understand, handle and produce English academic discourse in all its forms, especially on topics related to their studies in the Department, expanding their knowledge of these topics alongside their knowledge of the language (academic vocabulary, etc.). In particular, students are taught texts and vocabulary in English related to academic research and the characteristics of all parts of a research article and practice writing an abstract, a paraphrase of a text, an introduction to an article and research methodology. They are also taught and practise appropriate strategies for approaching, understanding and analysing scientific articles and extracts from scientific books with content relevant to their field of study. In addition, students become familiar with English oral academic discourse and the skills associated with it (e.g. focused listening, correct note-taking). Students are required to write essays of moderate length and make short group/individual presentations of a project based on a literary book. Extensive use is made of the Department’s online platform for vocabulary and essay writing practice and the Internet. Finally, students will improve their communication skills and practice expressing opinions through argumentation on topics related to their studies.